New Brew – Pumpkin Ale

Ed has brewed a fab batch of pumpkin ale to celebrate the season.  He roasted pie pumpkins and used his own blend of spices to brew this beer that reminds me of my Mom’s pumpkin pie.  Available in the historic brewery for a limited time, stop by to pick up a growler or sample his latest creation!

Roger Mittag on Black Creek Porter

Renowned beer expert Roger Mittag recently weighed in on our new Black Creek Porter on his blog.

I happened to be purchasing beer for my most recent Prud’homme Certification class and lo and behold, I found something I  hadn’t had before.  The label and bottle intrigued me and upon further inspection, I found a Black Creek Porter.  Just a short year ago, this small artisanal brewery was created on the heels of the Black Creek Brewfest that had been running for two years.  I must admit that BC Pioneer Village is a very cool place to have a brewery and I know the goals are to provide the malt and hops from the Village.  Why not – they have hop plants already and a grist mill just waiting to be put into better use.

Porters were the drink of choice among turn of the century (20th) beer drinkers.  This one comes in at 5% ABV and shows a beautiful burgundy and auburn hue with touches of light brown.  The mocha coloured foam is fairly dense for a porter. 

The nose is not as complex as the flavours but still yields the typical coffee, chocolate and caramel you might come to expect.  The body is cafe mocha – notes of chocolate and coffee are abundant with hints of roasted grain and burnt toast coming through as it warms.  The carbonation is fairly light.  The finish is quite pleasant.  There is a decent amount of bitterness but not the kind that whacks you in the head.  This bitterness appears slowly and lingers very nicely.  There is also a nice dry texture in the mouth and you can almost taste tiramisu.

A really decent porter in my eyes and the packaging is first class.  Give it a shot after dinner in a nice snifter and you might be surprised.


Thanks Roger!  We’ve been receiving a lot of positive feedback on our Porter.  It seems that despite Canada being a nation that favours lighter beers, we are finding a few fans of dark malts out there!  Keep the feedback coming!

LCBO Launch! – Black Creek Porter

It’s finally happened, after a very long year, Black Creek Historic Brewery is thrilled to announce that our porter is now available in select LCBO stores in Toronto and the GTA.  Sold in 500mL bottles, our porter has been described as a smooth dark beer with notes of coffee and dark chocolate, making it a perfect mate for rich foods and desserts!  Retailing for $3.55 a bottle, make sure to pick up a few next time you’re at the LCBO!  If it’s not available at your local outlet, put in a request! 

Click here for the LCBO product listing and to find out where it’s available!

We’d love to hear any feedback on our Porter, let us know what you think!

Sighted – Black Creek Porter at Queen’s Park!

On Tuesday, October 5th, Black Creek Historic Brewery was thrilled to participate in the Ontario Museum Association’s reception at Queen’s Park celebrating the beginning of their week long conference.  We had a chance to meet some members of parliment including the Speaker of the House, Steve Peters MPP.  Mr. Peters has been a great supporter of craft brewing in Ontario for many years so it’s always wonderful to talk with him!